Carie Deneau


Carie is a strong-willed-wild-woman who in her appearance of strength is also never afraid of a deep and up roaringly hilarious laugh. She leads through the paradox of fun and work, of lighthearted joy and a powerful kick. Carie is a wolf-mother, a lover, and a leader who is quick to laugh and family centric. She is someone who has chosen the road of soulful authenticity over placation of societal expectation and is here to share her fierceness with you.

Join her and you will experience a lighthearted all inclusive relaxing class. Her yoga class harmonizes gentle movements, mindful breathing, and divine intention to nurture your body, mind, and spirit. This session invites you to explore the gentle flow of energy, unlocking pathways to inner healing. Allowing you to connect with the divine within. Embrace tranquility as you journey through a sequence designed to restore balance and cultivate a profound sense of well-being. Join Carie on the mat and surrender to the gentle whispers of healing energies that reside within and around you.

Carie teaches yoga Monday 6PM