The Robots are Coming

Have you seen the news?

A Ritual for Greta and Autumn and the Children of the Earth

Click the picture to see our earth reverence candle, The Spirit of The Land

Beating drums, and pulsing hearts we are the result of thousands of loves, and thousands of lives filled with eons of toes that have sunk into the sands of time before us.  It has become terrifyingly obvious how quickly that primal knowledge can fade, especially in a world that appears to be much more technologically interconnected.  We sit in an airport and there are futuristic looking trains that pull up on elevated railways, fountains that shoot water to the synchronistic pulse of a beat played, plugged into our illusionary woven web of connection through our phones and other electronic devices, and yet we are suffering and we are wandering around on our own islands of isolation. 


We wonder why our health has actually hit a point where it is deteriorating and we are less healthy than our ancestors were?  We have children daring to stand up to adults who are destroying the planet and challenging us and our handing down of their inheritance.  Inheritance has become a distorted thing and to groomed-patriarchal-capitalist adults it is the nest egg of retirement monies built for them, but our children are saying “how dare you, it is the earth itself that is our inheritance!”  Don’t respond in anger to them, for they see what most of our eyes can no longer see, they feel what it is that is meant by home.  We are of the earth, we are the earth and we are dying. 


It is not just diet, not just exercise, not just the mundanity of busy lives, no it is deeper than that.  Have you seen the online psychology experiments that show how little humans are really aware of what is happening around them?  As I am typing this I am seeing someone nonchalantly stepping over a dead body while their head is bowed down and their zombie eyes look to be enchanted by the blue light of their phone.  We are killing everything around us in our individual isolated hazes, drinking from thousands of plastic bottles, eating bastardized foods and what we have yet to understand is that we are also dying right alongside the havoc that we have created.  There will come a point where there must be a merging of this new technology that we have developed, a re-awakening to merge the old primal ancient knowledge and wisdoms of the past or we will have to step away from the computers all together because unless we relearn how to integrate this wisdom it is killing us.  This manmade-crafted-electronic-connective modern technology must somehow plug into and marry with our ever-present woven web of thousands of years of human consciousness.  As that pours out from my soul I am suddenly seeing for some odd reason the electronics as the male end of a plug and the repository of human consciousness and primal wisdom as the receptive feminine black void socket.  For lack of getting too weird and too into micro-science and computer brain technology studies even though we have arrived with humanoid robots being released I will just refer to this electro human genius as energetic connections or higher consciousness. 


We have to energetically reconnect to the human genius/consciousness first, plug back into these etheric realms on a personal level through ritual work to begin to heal.  We have to reclaim it or it will be used in terrifying scientific ways because scientists now know what we’ve always known and that is the quantum understanding of consciousness.   Then, either marry it to the modern technology in a way that will serve us and the earth or make a conscious choice to disconnect these streams from electronics permanently.  We have all seen too many movies where computers or electronics are given human consciousness and then the ensuing wars that break out as we have to fight to try to undo what we have done.  If we give that wisdom to electronic technologies we are giving them the soul and spirit of what makes us human so it’s no wonder that every movie ends with the robots using the genius of humanity against us.   All of my musings are hypothetical but I believe it is dangerous to link the human genius to electronics, but if we do, we first have to reclaim the understanding of the technology for ourselves, we have to re-learn how to access the higher realms of higher consciousness.  If we do so we might awaken once more to the idea that we are not separate from the environment around us we are of it and it is of us.   


The old ways of animism and shamanism might be resurrected so that we re-know the connection of all.   For an eternity of time in our human existence we worshiped life and our connections to the earth through the worship of the nature that surrounded us, historians believe that we began with worshiping the fields, the animals, the earth and as our consciousness grew (imagine a giant repository well of energy) we began to assign deities with human archetypal personalities to the forces that govern nature, the world and our humanness.  At some point the energies shifted and the feminine nature of creation began to wane in visibility.  Our historical timeline according to the book, The Mysteries of the Dark Moon refers to this as the dark moon period, in which the feminine deities recede into their rest time, the male deities take over and begin to reign supreme.  Unchecked male ego, war, and pain ensues and the feminine suffers and her child, the earth along with her.  It is during this period that we have now been in for thousands of years that what we have termed, THE PATRIARCHY has overtaken, and we have seen horrific crimes against humanity, women and crimes against nature occurring.  In my humble opinion we are waving back and forth on the precipice of what Greta Thunberg has named an apocalyptic extinction abyss, while most of us sit unaware of the danger with the illusion of connection through technology and safety giving us free reign to kill the very planet that we live on, to drive our cohabitants into extinction and to lose our connection to the original world wide web of life’s consciousness, human genius and the wisdom of our ancestors. 


Ancestor worship is a way to begin to heal the damage done by the lack of masculine and feminine balance.  If we know that we are of the earth, so our ancestors were of the earth and most of us believe that they reside in the ever-lasting light of heaven or whatever you would like to call it, but for our purposes today we’ve been referring to it as the realm of human genius and higher consciousness.   Our ancestors are a link to that place.  A tangible thing we can grasp onto to lead the way.  As you heal for the love of yourself, for the love of your ancestors, for the love of your descendants, then everything around you becomes better in the process.  It is an amazing way to rediscover and know that repository well.  I know that Greta Thunberg is speaking of activism and that is great and needed and I applaud her, but what I want to speak about is the remembrance of our more primal healing energies and that space of bright light, connection and human consciousness that can heal our souls.  I want us to also hear the voice of Autumn Peltier and to speak again to the water as if it were human, because she and ALL of our ancestors, even my European ones once believed that it has its own spirit too.  Everything is connected.  Water is intelligent and what are we if not mostly composed of water and that intelligence? 


We must speak once again to our dead, to grieve and work rituals.  We pretend in our modern western society that death will not come for us or that death is something distasteful.  We have lost our ability to mourn.  In the book The Wild Edge of Sorrow, the author talks about an unconscious mourning that all of us suffer from and that is our loss of connection to the land.   We need to re-awaken that connection into our lives to see what it is that needs to be healed especially on these ancestral lines.  If we heal ourselves, we heal the connection to the earth and renew the love for her so that we leave a legacy of clean water and clean energetic genetic presence for our descendants.  Today, I would like to gift you with a simple beginning ritual for healing that I’ve crafted with wisdoms learned from many classes, books, teachers and my innate northern European shamanic wisdom. 


Know that all of your ancestral lines are important no matter what happened with and to them in the recent past, it is just as important to worship the lines of the mother as it is to worship the lines of the father so keep a clear and open mind, and a fearlessness in your heart, especially if you’ve suffered at the hands of those ancestors who are still living or those who have had some impact upon our lives.  Remember we are unwell.  Keep that compassion alive as you allow yourself to delve into ancestor work and know that those that hurt us were probably wounded themselves.  That’s not excusing them or their deeds.  We aren’t going to work with those ancestral lines right away that are unwell or who have harmed us, we are going to work from farther back in the past.  Only when you feel ready will you work on any of those ancestors nearest to us that have also suffered during the dark moon period of the loss of the feminine divine. 


Materials: a new journal, some candles, a bowl of water and a bowl of dirt arranged to form an altar and some shamanic drumming music found in the link below.


Ritual:  I invite you to consecrate a dedicated bound journal to become your ancestral healing journey log and to rub some dirt on it from where you reside, to blow some breath into it to connect it pranically to your lines, to wave it over a candle and ask the healing fires to purge, to sprinkle some water on it to purify it.  Lift it above your head and then touch it to the ground asking spirit to protect the work that you do with it from above and below.  Take a deep breathe in through the nose and slowly release a longer breathe through the mouth, repeat this multiple-times to stimulate your relaxation and activate the vagus nerve, so that you can sink into the healing and bypass our very modern pathways that survive on cortisol and our flight/fight fast paced ways.  It is great to play some drumming music and if you can call a protective bubble or circle around yourself both links of suggestion on how to are listed below.  Once you feel like you have dropped into sacred space and you have breathed your way into a meditative state ask for the original primal energies held within your DNA to be present with you.  If you do better visualizing, see yourself walking back in time to a time where we our most ancient lines lie, making sure you go all the way back to a time where our lines would have had shamans and been very energetically well in health.  Once you feel connected to those ancient-lines and most primal ancestors I invite you to imagine yourself sitting in this primal time or primal energy and ask yourself what were my ancestors grateful for?  When you are ready, I would like for you to begin to journal and allow yourself to flow through all of the heart swelling and body buzzing feelings of things that we would have been grateful for.  Please honor any and all emotions that arise and allow for them to happen.  The journaling may take on a form as if you were that ancient ancestor and in some way you are so allow for whatever comes up to flow.  If you feel like you could take another step down this journaling and are feeling good in this connected path perhaps you switch the lens view and ask yourself what is it that my primal ancestors grieved for and then journal that?  Once you have pin pointed either gratitude points and or things that we loved so much that we grieved for them circle a few repetitive words or even identify opposites.  These very primal things that we are grateful for and grieve for are the things that then I would invite for you to cultivate in your life by taking notice of them when they show up in subtle nuanced ways.  Allow yourself to feel back into that place of remembrance every time a thing on your list shows it face in your daily mundane life.  My hope is that this starts an open line of communication with your ancestors and that you begin to walk a path of healing.  Staying strong on the path and only working with those ancestors that feel like they are helping you along.  All blessings be on the journey. 


Namaste, Tara Coumoundouros, copyright all rights reserved, January 2021.

Shamanic Drums: Click the Picture for a Spotify Track

How to cast a circle: energetic protection.

Click the pic for an audio tutorial!




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